Annual financial statements 2022
The University of Bern’s annual financial statements for 2022 can be found as a PDF here (Annual Report 2022 (PDF, 5.9 MB)).
Figures Portal
During the year under review, the University’s total revenue amounted to CHF 947.5 million, resulting in an overall deficit of CHF -8.7 million. The result attributable to basic funding was a deficit of CHF -19.4 million. External funding remained constant at around CHF 366 million. In the case of external funding and assets, the stock market crash reduced the positive result.
Basic funding / external funding: The income generated by the University, which serves as the University's structural basic funding, counts as basic funding. All other income is recorded as external funding. Due to the separation of revenue into basic funding and external funding, individual items can only be compared with the income statement according to Swiss GAAP FER to a limited extent.
Intercantonal University Agreement (IUV): The IUV governs the participation of the cantons. It determines the contribution that the home canton can give a student toward payment for their degree course.
Until 2016 the income of the service centers was booked under basic funding, from 2017 under external funding.
The individual parameters can be selected or deselected by clicking on the legend.
Basic funding / external funding: The income generated by the University, which serves as the University's structural basic funding, counts as basic funding. All other income is recorded as external funding. Due to the separation of revenue into basic funding and external funding, individual items can only be compared with the income statement according to Swiss GAAP FER to a limited extent.
Private sector funding: Income from the private sector, private individuals, foundations and similar organizations.
Until 2016 the income of the service centers was booked under basic funding, from 2017 under external funding.
The individual parameters can be selected or deselected by clicking on the legend.
in CHF 1,000 | 2022 | Share | |
Basic funding1 | 581'223 | 61.3% | |
Contribution from the Canton of Bern | 326'340 | 34.4% | |
Intercantonal University Agreement (IUV)2 | 123'410 | 13.0% | |
Contributions from the Swiss Federal Government | 100'305 | 10.6% | |
Income from fees and internal settlements | 31'169 | 3.3% | |
– Imcome from fees | 19'968 | 2.1% | |
– Miscellaneous | 11'201 | 1.2% | |
(+) Profit / (–) Loss | -19'437 | ||
External funding1 | 366'254 | 38.7% | |
Promotion of research | 147'326 | 15.5% | |
– Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) | 113'177 | 11.9% | |
– Innosuisse | 3'234 | 0.3% | |
– EU research programs | 19'253 | 2.0% | |
– Other international research funding | 11'662 | 1.2% | |
Publicly funded departmental research | 15'553 | 1.6% | |
Private sector funding3 | 45'506 | 4.8% | |
Other income | 157'869 | 16.7% | |
– Continuing education | 10'578 | 1.1% | |
– Service centers | 80'760 | 8.5% | |
– Miscellaneous | 66'530 | 7.0% | |
(+) Profit / (–) Loss | +10'729 | ||
Total income | 947'477 | 100% | |
Total expenditure | 956'186 | ||
Year-end result (+) Profit / (-) Loss | -8'709 | ||
1 Basic funding / external funding: The income generated by the University, which serves as the University's structural basic funding, counts as basic funding. All other income is recorded as external funding.
Due to the separation of revenue into basic funding and external funding, individual items can only be compared with the income statement according to Swiss GAAP FER to a limited extent. 2 Intercantonal University Agreement (IUV): The IUV governs the participation of the cantons. It determines the contribution that the home canton can give a student toward payment for their degree course. 3 Private sector funding: Income from the private sector, private individuals, foundations and similar organizations. |
The University of Bern’s annual financial statements for 2022 can be found as a PDF here (Annual Report 2022 (PDF, 5.9 MB)).